Solar battery testing with Electrodacus, part 2

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This post is dedicated to graphing the data logged by the Electrodacus SBMS0, so if that interests you, please continue.

I’ve had some feedback from others after the first post 1 and wanted a bit more automation myself, so what I have done to help out with getting data logging up and running more quickly was develop a simple python script to install and configure all pieces on the Raspberry Pi.

I’ve only had the chance to test this out on a single new Raspberry Pi and these were the manual steps needed to get things going:

sudo mkdir /home/SBMS0
cd /home/SBMS0
sudo wget -O
sudo python

The above code does the following:

Line 1-2: Creates an SBMS folder for storing config files and scripts

Line 3: Gets the install code from my GitHub repo

Line 4: Runs the install code that installs: Pi updates, InfluxDB, Grafana, Python script as a service for SBMS0 data parsing. This step takes a while due to all of the Raspberry Pi updates.

The next step is to create a dashboard! The script should remind you what URL you need to hit to log in, but it should be https://<Pi IP address>:3000. The default username and password for Grafana at the time of this post is admin/admin. I wasn’t able to find a quick way to get the dashboard imported, but the dashboard is meant to be custom for your needs anyway. I have posted a version of mine with some examples to help folks get going and it’s really easy to Import a dashboard in Grafana and simple paste the JSON content from my example dashboard here:

Steps for dashboard import:

  • Hover over Dashboards icon on right, select Manage
  • Select Import
  • Copy the text from the above URL and paste it into the “Import via panel json”
  • Select Load

At this point you should have a dashboard with a number of metrics, but it will only populate if you have data coming from SBMS0 plugged into the SBMS via USB. You will also need UART enabled (USART Data Log = 1). I left the baud rate and Log interval at their default. More details on the manual:

2 Replies to “Solar battery testing with Electrodacus, part 2”

  1. I retired from system design about 10 yer3sa ago, and programming five year ago. No Pi etc. experience. I implemented a Motorhome solar system using two Tesla batteries and SBMS0 two years ago. I am experiencing a periodic, two second shut down of loads for no apparent reason – no OV, no undertemp. I am looking for help building up a full SBMS0 monitoring system to track down the problem. Can you guide me?

    1. Hey Rob,
      While I do love helping folks, I’m in the middle of a custom home build (mine own) and still working full time, so free time is limited. The system I documented here is the foundation for all my battery monitoring. It sounds to me that you are needing more of a troubleshooting exercise for your particular case, which might be more quickly answered on the forums due to the number of people. I’m happy to help walk through the monitoring system that I documented here, but I have limited experience with the Tesla batteries. Periodic loads shutting down sounds like a communication issue between SBMS0 and the inverter.

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