For those who haven’t heard the short story about our “wings”, when we were doing our home design, we realized very quickly that we needed to be very explicit when we were referring to locations and building and Stephanie came up with the wonderful idea to refer to the buildings using a simple A, B, C mnemonic.
A = Activities
B = Bedrooms
C = Cars
This then turned into the A-wing, B-wing, and C-wing. This has helped us through all conversations with those involved in the building project. All that so say that this post is meant to give updates on the C-wing as that has been the focus for the past few weeks.
Please note that the building style and materials are the same, but we are not trying to achieve any Passive House certifications on this wing. Let’s get into some pictures.
We can’t believe all buildings and roofs are on, we are so pumped. If you look at the pictures and the dates, you might notice major changes in February, but not so much in January. You may have guessed that the snow hit us pretty hard in January, but has let up enough now for work to accelerate. We hope to have the rest of the building joints sealed up with some warm weather next week, then the windows (yeah!).
Here is the latest drone flight from 2022-02-11: